Sunday 16 November 2008

Bloody.. bloody.. bloody...

Once again, I seem to have fallen behind on my coursework, homework and revision, despite the fact that I had a day off last week in order to catch up.
Actually, now that I mention that, I'm thinking about it logically. Why did my mother let me have that day off? All that hard work was completely insignificant, I was beating my head against a brick wall in vain. And now life seems even more bleak and dissatisfying.
So because I took that day off, yes, I caught up on my physics, art, drama-and-everything-else coursework, BUT, I missed out on five very significant lessons in school which means that I'm lacking in those areas now instead.

Bloody hell.
So basically, I've come to the conclusion that it's pointless trying to keep up. Because you're never going to.

But because I'm such a lovely teenager who's been molded to the walls shaped by society, I have a sickening obligation to keep trying. To keep meeting other people's demands. Yes, all regardless of the very depressing knowledge that as I continue to work, I'm chipping away at my own sanity. That's life. As my dear friend Mimilicious (it's a nickname, thankfully, but I bet somewhere out there an idiot has named their child that) has once said to me "Life's a bitch, then you die."
Wise words.

Saturday 8 November 2008

A few ground rules.

In all honesty, these aren't really rules, just a few comments I had on my mind which people should think about and be influenced by.
If you didn't know already, I'm a fairly blunt, irritable person, so, don't expect too much.

  • Pretending to be stupid for the sake of looking ditzy, blonde or kooky isn't funny and it isn't cute, it's annoying! It means you're percieved as very self-obsessed and an attention-seeker, and therefore gives other people more of a reason to dislike you.

I say that last one because there are soooooooo many people in my classes who, in spite of having intelligence or the chance of an education that alot of people would envy, choose to act stupid for some pointless reason. Ok, ok, in all fairness, some people make very silly mistakes, we're all human, I can live with that. But we all know when someone's pretending. It's pathetic.

  • You're life isn't so unbelieveably heart-breaking and depressing that 'no one could ever possibly understand' and you don't have any priority over anyone else because we should all spend our own lives pitying you or respecting you, and wondering how profound and thoughtful you are.

Hate isn't a nice thing. But I know a couple of mind-numbingly annoying people who actaully make you want to smash your head against a brick wall; and whether you're religious or not, you hope (ironically) to God that there's no afterlife in which that shit-stain could torture you further with their prescence.
If you can't quite indentify one of these people, they tend to respond to a simple 'how are you?' to 'Oh.. well.. fine... even though my dad's broken my ribs and punctured my lungs, so I have to get an operation tomorrow at my uncle's house and theres a 90% chance I'll die, but.. I'll be FINE.'

For those who just laughed. That is what ACTUALLY happened when I asked someone that. I no longer talk to that person. Thankfully. But yes, self-pitying gobshites. Who are also liars. (I later researched punctured lungs and discovered that this person would've barely been able to speak let alone run around in PE later that day. Oh. And their dad is a lovely person. LIES AND SLANDER! If you read this, shame on you!)

Where was I. Oh yeah..

  • People who wear black are not always goths, grungers, emos or priests. They're people. And they're wearing some black clothing. Bravo, you learnt something new today you stereotyping git!
  • People who rap don't always wear clocks around their necks. They just don't.
  • Grandma's don't always knit, pee themselves or call people 'deary'. But most of them dance very badly.
  • Clingy boyfriends/girlfriends are annoying. And they hurt people's eyes. Have some respect... Which reminds me about my next blog topic about life as a single teenager and how annoying couples are.
  • I need some tea and sleep. Yes, I am british. But we don't all drink tea, we aren't all posh or all cockney and we don't all love the queen, croquet, monacles or football. And we don't all have crooked, manky teeth.

The mouth stereotype about the english annoys me, personally I find crooked teeth annoying myself - I had wonky teeth but I got a brace! I fixed them! Please, if you have crap teeth, try to get them sorted out, let's get rid of this annoying stereotype that we all have bad teeth. And you americans who are responsible for cartoons of us lot with bad teeth, stop it! Watch jerry springer. Alot of those people don't even have teeth, so don't bother us about ours, atleasy we have some!

Wednesday 5 November 2008

GCSEs... oh nooeess

So, I've recently had an argument.
It's not important who I argued with or why. I just did.
And on top of that, I have drama coursework, physics coursework, english essays, art coursework and history coursework all due in for later this week. Just to let everyone know, it's wednesday already. I'm rapidly running out of time and boy am I aware of it. So maybe writing about it in a blog isn't all that helpful.
And of course, it's 3:10pm.
People may be asking 'But Jo, shouldn't you be at school?' And to them I say, yes.

I should be.
But because I'm being drowned in coursework, my lovely mam let me have the day off, provided I do alot of work. In all fairness, I have. Thing is though, it's not going to make a bit of difference. I'll get back to school tomorrow and they're going to give me more! Yes, more! It's inevitable! And the whole time I'll be considering my options, how I can resolve this little argument I got myself into? And that means I won't be able to concentrate. I'll keep working, but the work and revision will pile up and up and up!

But then, a conundrum! I can do all my coursework, my very much-needed, urget coursework. And I can get that all out of the way. But then I will be wasting precious revision time! And the exam is worth a higher percentage in coursework in the actual GCSE - but coursework is something that must be handed in to my teachers! Which has priority? Either way I'll fall behind and lack in one area or another, and either way my teachers will find something to complain about to my parents next week at the parents-teacher review day.

A spiral methinks? A spiral consisting of more and more spirals?
Yes, a very stressful one which is derived from none other but... stress!

And the worst part is, once I finish my GCSEs, I get to do it all over again when I take A-levels!

And then University courses, and then work when I actually get a job.

Oh look, you lost the will to live...
You're not going to get very far in your studies if you lose the will to live! Tut tut.

On a lighter note, Barack Obama won the US Presidential Elections. He seems much more cuddly than old-man McCaine and Palin the harpie who eats russians for breakfast. She can see russia from her house, you know?